Happy Mother's Day!!
Our weekend started out on Saturday morning - the kids stayed home with Panod while I walked over to the fair grounds to explore the annual
Friend's School plant sale (with wagon in tow). I've brought the kids with me the past several years that I have gone, but this year I decided to go kidless. I don't know if it was that or the fact that the rainy, cold weather kept the usual crowd from showing up, but I really had a successful trip this year. Got exactly what I had planned on getting and spent even less than I had planned on. The rest of the afternoon was spent running to Menard's with the kids to get some soil, and planting in the garden.
Then last night, while we were all snuggled up and watching a movie, I realized that Ian felt warm. Sure enough, the thermometer we placed in his mouth read 102.1 before his protests called for me to remove the thermometer before it beeped. Poor little guy! Taylor sprung into nurture mode and made sure he had anything he wanted. Panod and I got Ian to take some Tylenol, and then I had to place phone calls to cancel our plans we had made for Sunday morning to go to the Como Zoo with our family. It sounds like our plans to meet everyone over at the zoo will simply be pushed back a week. It is a shame that we didn't get to see all of the Moms today, though! And Ian did sleep well last night, but was still warm when he woke up this morning.
With our plans this morning canceled, Panod and the kids were able to take their time making breakfast. They made this great
French Toast Bread Pudding recipe, and they cooked up some bacon to go with it! It really turned out fantastic - even Ian ate a ton! Then I received the coolest card EVER from Taylor! She made it with glitter glue & it sparkled everywhere! They also got me two new teas from
Teasource that I've never tried before. I had a cup of each one with breakfast & they are AMAZING! They are the Green Tea with Mango & the Magnolia Oolong. I highly recommend them both.
This afternoon I headed out to work in the garden (yes, in the rain) for a while. I got a lot done & Panod made lunch for the kids. After lunch, I really wanted to go for a bike ride around Como Lake. Ian was feeling well enough to ride along in the trailer behind my bike, so we were all able to go. By then the rain had stopped and there were even a few breaks in the clouds! These rides are so much fun with kids being the ages that they are right now - we all seem to take turns being in front & we've done this same route around the lake enough that we all seem to know when our turn to go in front is, without anyone saying anything. It is so peaceful!
After the bike ride, I had to head into work for a while. Commencement was today (I know - don't ask) and I volunteered to stay at the Mansion so that someone was there when the families came through on their way to the Gallery. I've never actually been in there alone before, and I'll admit that it was a little weird! In between visitors, it was so strange to hear the building so quiet. Usually it is a very busy place with classes, constant visitors and loads of students socializing. I'm sure that it is an experience that the full-time staff experience often and probably don't even think twice about.
It sounds like Panod, Taylor and Ian all took naps while I was at work this afternoon! I guess that the bike ride really wore them out. Dinner tonight was all about me not cooking. I had gotten Taylor and Ian two frozen meals on Saturday that I know they like, so they were taken care of. Panod and I decided to eat some gyros from
Dino's Gyros, so I picked them up on my way home. I honestly don't think that I can say that we've ever been disappointed with a single order from that place! And the fries! We don't eat there very often, but when we do....yuuummmm!
Ian seems to be doing better tonight. His fever is not nearly as high as it was last night & he was up and hugging everyone good night before bed tonight. Taylor has started working on her science project with Panod. The two of them really seem to enjoy working out her project idea together every year - it really is cute to watch. They were still tossing ideas around while she was climbing into bed.
My favorite news of the whole day today: Two awesome people that live near us told us that they are expecting their second little one!! Congrats you guys!!
The kids made this train track in the basement today
Taylor needed a picture of her aquarium for show and tell
Taylor cheering up Ian this evening in the playroom
Toby is helping cheer up Ian
I know it doesn't look like much yet, but here's the garden