Friday, June 02, 2006

June 2nd!

I cannot believe that it's already June! Where did spring go??

This week started off a little on the rough side. A combination of things led to the overheating of Taylor's aquarium Sunday night, and when she looked in there on Monday morning, all but one had died. She was upset for a while, but she soon moved on and we helped her realize that above all else, she needed to get a better heater. We discovered that Petco was in fact open on Memorial Day and she spent most of the birthday money she had left of a new heater and a few new fish. Things seem to be going very well so far -- keep your fingers crossed for her.

Ian has had a very relaxing week now that his preschool has come to an end. He has enjoyed playing outside in the sprinkler with Taylor and the neighborhood kids, playing in the dirt pile in the front yard, catching ants and helping them find a new home, going to the playground with Panod while I'm at work, riding bikes to Taylor's school and having a picnic snack, and hanging out at the frog pond and butterfly garden in Como Park.

Thursday was a special day for Taylor. I finally found her a new bike! And the best part is that once I sell her old 20" Trek, we should walk away from this with an extra $25 in our pocket! Yes, it is a slightly used bike, but is a 24", 21-speed Gary Fisher in amazing condition! She has gotten the hang of the gears already and was begging to ride bikes home this afternoon. Taylor did have a little spill as we were pulling up the driveway, but she managed to get back up and go the rest of the way up the driveway without so much as a tear!

Yesterday was also a wonderful occasion in our little neighborhood - our little neighbor turned 1!! While the big celebration will take place tomorrow, we were invited over to watch the birthday girl have her first piece of cake last night with her family and a few other neighbors. I would like to post some of the pictures up tonight, but I should really get the parent's permission first. So, maybe tomorrow.

The last thing we have to post about is Taylor's class play. It was this afternoon, and it was terrific! The enthusiasm that her teacher and his assistant have for these class projects just spills over into the kids. It was so apparent that everyone had a good time with their roles - they took it seriously, but they also had a lot of laughs doing it. Taylor played the role of the frog that came in at the end of the play. She did her thing and hammed it up as only Taylor could!

Taylor on her new bike
Taylor in the play - she is on the far right side
Taylor, Ian & friends

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