Friday afternoon wasn’t much out of the ordinary – Ian and I picked up Taylor, I shopped for groceries once we got home, made dinner and then Taylor and I decided to start putting her aquarium together. We were almost half way done when we realized that it was missing a part. I told her we would have take it back and exchange it on Saturday, so we loaded it all up and set it by the door.
Saturday we all set off to run errands. First stop was Ikea! Where else can you feed a family of four lunch for a little over $12?? Beautiful! And after lunch we discovered that we are now finally able to drop off both of the kids in the free one hour childcare center there. Ian was never able to go before because he wasn’t totally potty trained (last time we went to Ikea was nearly a year ago) – and Taylor won’t be able to go for much longer because she is almost too tall. Panod and I soaked up every glorious minute of that hour, and we power shopped like the furniture-hungry beasts that we are! We were very well behaved and only stuck to the things we had come for – but that didn’t stop us from the occasional stop-and-stare, even if it was just for a split second. Once the hour was up and we picked up the kids it really sounded like the kids had a blast! It really was nice to have both of them in there, looking after one another. Taylor said that Ian didn’t cry at all and that they played in the giant ball pit together, and then they watched movies. Awwwww! After Ikea, we went and exchanged Taylor’s aquarium – it took darn near the rest of the afternoon, but we did it! And by Saturday night it had been put together and Taylor was ready for some fish. We talked about the rules and responsibilities that come with the aquarium and she was very excited to go and find some fish, but it would have to wait until Sunday.
Today wasn’t nearly as busy, but it was really fun! We all headed off to the giant pet store to help Taylor pick out her new fish this morning. After some input from the employee there, Taylor decided to go with five little Tetra’s and two nice sized snails. Then the worker slid Taylor’s selections into a bag, and we were off! We raced home and set them in the tank for 20 minutes while the fish were still in the bag. The kids came to get me when the timer they had set went off and we all watched as Taylor gently poured her new friends into the tank. Viola! A new family entertainment center had just been born! Lol! At any given time tonight, at least one of us (if not, all of us) could be found sitting on Taylor’s floor watching the fish tank. Even Toby! But I think it was just because he was a little jealous of the fish!
Let’s see – other things we did this weekend…. We read some of our books from the library. Taylor is now into Hoot and has decided that she wants to see the movie when it comes out next week. Ian has plowed through his books from the library, but I don’t see an interest in the Frog and Toad book I brought home for him, yet. Still more discussions and paper work regarding schools for both the kids, thank you’s have been done and are going into the mail tomorrow from Taylor’s birthday, bbq’d dinner in the rain tonight, tried to make sweet sticky rice but need to work on it still, and we watched a good bit of Dr. Who – first and second season & Taylor's newly pierced ears are healing very well. We have also been keeping an eye on this site all weekend: Eagle Eye Cam. It is seriously neat – there is a live web cam and mic in the nest of two Bald Eagles on Hornsby Island, BC! The eggs were set to hatch 3 days ago now and some of us can see cracks in the eggs! Take a peek – but be warned, it is addicting! (It takes a few minutes to load and you'll need a Windows Media plug-in.)
Taylor, Ian and Panod eating lunch at Ikea
A picture of the cake we shared at Ikea
Ian going in for a hug while we wait in line for the Ikea child care.
Taylor made a sound while Ian squeezed her, and the
child next to them thought she was going to be sick! lol
Taylor and her aquarium on Saturday night
Ian and Taylor watch the bag full of new fish float for 20 minutes today
Taylor pouring the fish in
Ian and Taylor are looking for the new fish
Here is one of the snails
I know it is a bad pic, but see if you can spot the Tetra

A picture of the cake we shared at Ikea

Ian going in for a hug while we wait in line for the Ikea child care.
Taylor made a sound while Ian squeezed her, and the
child next to them thought she was going to be sick! lol


Taylor and her aquarium on Saturday night

Ian and Taylor watch the bag full of new fish float for 20 minutes today

Taylor pouring the fish in

Ian and Taylor are looking for the new fish

Here is one of the snails

I know it is a bad pic, but see if you can spot the Tetra