Later on today, Ian and I ran some errands in order to get ready for a good-bye party this afternoon at CVA for a co-worker who is also a friend of ours. Panod and I both have enjoyed having a partner in crime who enjoys sci-fi like we do, and who seems to be clearly ready to geek-out (hehe! is that a real word?) into this great big wide world in order to see what else it may offer. Watch out Florida!
The weather has been beautiful yet again! The kids and I rode bikes home yesterday from Taylor's school, and we spent a majority of the late afternoon today & yesterday in the backyard with the neighbors. Taylor has discovered that she can now climb the maple tree in the back yard! I took some pictures and I swear that she's not nearly as high in the air as the pictures will have you believe. And Ian has officially worn a hole in the front tire his "faster bike." I've promised him that we'll find him a new big wheel - a.k.a. "faster bike" at a garage sale this summer. We got so much wear from that thing - you figure that Uncle Rob bought that big wheel back when Taylor was only two!!
Oh - quick update.... All of Ian's tests from the Dr. last week came back just fine.

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