As I type this, Ian and I are watching the Twins play their first post-season game, after clinching the division title. All four of us have enjoyed watching the games over the past couple of weeks, and the kids are learning a lot about the game of baseball. Ian and I even got the honor of going to a Twins game a couple of weeks ago, after I won a ten-pack of tickets from Cities 97! Things are going well for the Twins -- let's hope their skill continues into the post-season.
As for going-ons right now, it looks like we've got some severe storms headed our way this afternoon. It is odd to have strong storms this time of the year, but I suppose that mother nature needs to even things out from giving us such a quiet spring and summer. Taylor had a birthday party on Saturday that she really enjoyed. It involved art and an ice cream cake, so it was a hit in Taylorland. And poor little Ian -- he came down with an ear infection on Friday and missed a day of school. He's taking his antibiotics and feeling much better now.
I hope to have some pictures of the leaves up here in the next couple of days. The trees are peeking in their color now and we would love to share them!!
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