Monday, March 17, 2008

New Babies, Great Dachshund Video & Snow

I have got to stop drinkin' the water around here! Seriously! Our neighbors across the street had a baby boy last week, and our next-door neighbors had a baby girl early this morning. With all of the other little ones running around here, there is going to be a large group of kids ruling the neighborhood in a couple of years. Many congratulations & sleep vibes going out to the happy new parents.

Panod and I felt it necessary to share this dachshund video on the blog. This is the coolest thing I've seen in a while - and I now want to spend my spring break trying to build one.

I was in touch with our family down in the Atlanta area during the storms over the weekend. The tornado that hit the city was close to them, but everyone is O.K. It sounds like they have shut-down the city today and asked everyone to stay out so that the clean-up can begin. Now that we know the family is O.K., the next question can be asked: is the Varsity still standing?? It is right there near the Olympic Village - ack!

While we are on the topic of the weather, MN is getting a good old fashioned March storm today and tomorrow. It was supposed be mostly rain, but it looks like NOAA has just issued a snow advisory for us. With 3-5 wet inches possible before tomorrow afternoon, that can only mean that chicken and dumplings are going on the stove this afternoon. I'll try and get some pics up tomorrow of the snow, before it all melts away.

Today @ 1:30pm

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