Sunday, May 21, 2006

Bikes, Static & More Fun Things

I know, I know – it’s been a week since the last post! I hear you! Sorry!

On Tuesday the van overheated while I was running errands with the kids (the kids told Panod that the car had a fever! lol). The kids and I were able to make it to our mechanic without anything too ominous coming from under the hood, and Panod was able to leave work to come and pick us up. But once we made it back home and realized that we were down to one car, it became clear that we had a problem. Either way we looked at it, one of us was going to spend a majority of the day taking the bus to and from work and picking up the kids and taking them where they needed to be after school, or we were going to have to find another answer. I saw an opportunity to do something that I had thought about trying for a while, and I took it. We talked it over and decided it would work out very well if I were to bike the 6 miles to work, bike back home, grab the trailer for Ian, go and pick him up at preschool and then bike to Taylor’s school where we could all bike back home together. Whew! Really though, The kids and I enjoyed it so much that even after we had picked up the car on Thursday (minus the fever - thank you Baber), we did it all over again on Friday! Hopefully we can continue this for a while – we are saving a small fortune in gas.

Today was just a blast! We got going early this morning – Ian and Panod set out for the Model Railroad & Hobby Show over at the fair grounds just before lunch. After we all met up at home after lunch Ian told me that he saw a train with lots of smoke coming out of it and lots of train tracks! Panod said that they had a good time and that the show was right up Ian’s alley.

Taylor and I set out on foot this morning, too – we hit the Como Park garage sales together. This year was the first year since we moved here that we didn’t have a garage sale during this annual event, so it was our first year really exploring the sales. We really did find some fun things; we even found Ian’s Halloween costume for this upcoming Halloween! You’ll have to wait to see him on Halloween, though – it would just ruin it to tell what he is going to be now. :)

Later on this afternoon, Taylor sat down with us and we really talked through her science project. It has GOT to get done this weekend! Panod came up with a good idea and Taylor and I ran with it! I won’t give it all away yet, but it does involve static electricity and going down a slide – or going down 12 different slides, 10 times each! Yea - add that one up real quick! Taylor and I spent the rest of the afternoon seeking the perfect slides and then she would proceed to slide down each one 10 times and record her data. We did get a few weird looks from people, but she got it done! And she was so motivated! That girl can get something done when she puts her mind to it! She should be able to wrap it up tomorrow and I’ll be sure to post some pictures of her completed project. I believe that the projects are due on the 25th, but I’m not sure yet when actual science fair takes place.

The day was finished up by hanging out in our neighbor’s back yard tonight after dinner. They had a big fire in their yard, and we stayed waaaay later than we probably should have – what a blast! Thanks you guys!!!

Taylor and Ian playing on the sidewalk
Ian at the train show today
Taylor and her static

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