Monday, May 08, 2006

Our Weekend

We still have received no news informing us if Taylor got into the school of our choice yet for next fall. I spoke with the student placement center on Wednesday, and was told that the letters were being placed in the mail that day. On one hand, it is extremely frustrating to have to have our work schedules and any future after school activities for both of the kids all up in the air for the Fall - but on the other hand, Panod and I understand that these things tend to have a need to take time.

The garage sales turned out to be a hit! I was able to grab a futon for the basement and a new "faster bike" for Ian! The bike is a little bit big for him, but he should grow into it nicely this summer. I also hit the sales over in South Minneapolis near the lakes & the sales here in St. Paul on Ramsey Hill. Whew! Nothing was purchased at those sales; it was more about the beautiful neighborhoods and the wonderful people by that point in the morning.

As far as this weekend being really busy and constructive - that just didn't seem to fall into place. Most weekends tend to work themselves into super busy getting-things-done days, but not this one. We really just enjoyed the kids! It was all about riding bikes, playing outside, playgrounds & chatting a bit with the neighbors. Yesterday all four of us rode bikes around Como Lake and hung out at the Como playground, and today the kids and I went over to the butterfly garden, just outside of the Conservatory. Their favorite part was running in the large fields and picking dandelions until their fingers were covered in yellow and green!

Last thing on the agenda this weekend was to have Taylor add some new fish and a bubbler to her aquarium. We found her all of the right parts for the bubbler to make sure that there would be enough oxygen for everyone, so next she decided to get two Guppies. Their names are Tom & Jerry - very appropriate names, too. While trying to snap a pic of these two for the blog, I discovered that they are much faster than the Neon’s are.

Happy almost Mother's Day all you mommies out there!

Taylor & Toby
A tulip at the butterfly garden
Ian picking dandelions
Taylor & Ian picking dandelions
The Conservatory
Tom & Jerry - Taylor's two new fish
Here it is folks - beer can chicken! Highly recommended!!
(I know the can says Coke - we didn't have any canned beer, so I poured beer into a pop can)

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