Friday, March 24, 2006

The Eagle's Nest & Dr. Who

Taylor did not have any school today and I didn't have to work, so it was the three of us today. I was going to start-in on the hallway paint job I have yet to start, but decided to procrastinate just one more day in order to make sure that we made the most of our day off. I really wanted to go running this morning, so I pushed Ian in the Burley and Taylor rode her bike. 40 degrees still feels warm, but I am starting to need a good 60 degree day soon. Poor Taylor had to ride her bike with her gloves on! We did nearly a mile and a half, and we even got to see an ambulance pass right in front of us. And there are clear signs of Spring everywhere - a lot of trees have got buds on them, and there are Canadian Geese over by Como Lake now.

It took me a while to come up with something fun to do that wasn't too expensive, but finally after lunch I got it - we hit The Eagle's Nest over in New Brighton. Talk about your indoor playgrounds! This place is massive! The place is so big that if you have more than one child, it can really be hard to keep track of them. This was probably our 8th or9th time going, and I've learned a lesson - either I can spend the entire time trying to keep track of them, or I can take off my shoes, tie my hair back, and join them! So after I got a few pictures, that is what we spent the afternoon doing - running around the playground together. I think that the best part about that place is that the adults are free - I feel like I'm cheating!

After The Eagle's Nest, we had some more errands to do and some salmon to grill out for dinner. With Dr. Who being on again tonight, there was a strict timeline to adhere to. Seriously!

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