Saturday, March 04, 2006

Peter Pan Flies!

The weather outside today reached nearly 40 degrees by 11am, so we finally were able to get outside!! I think I actually heard Ian ask what that bright blob in the sky was! Anyway, we threw Ian in the Burley and Taylor rode her bike while Panod and I ran. Well, we tried to run. With as much effort as we put into it, I think I ate all of the calories I had burned while "running" as soon as we got back home and had lunch.

Tonight we headed over to The St. Paul Academy & Summit School to watch a play: Peter Pan. Our neighbor
was the Choral Director & she really did do an amazing job! Our kids really got a kick out of watching Peter Pan fly, the Crocodile chase Capitan Hook & the Lion roar!! I have never seen a school play with so much talent. (Unfortunately, only one picture turned out that isn't the best - a teeny tiny, suspicously Ian-sized finger print seems to have found its way onto the lens.)

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