Thursday, April 27, 2006

Quick Update

This morning, Panod and I went to tour and do observation at Ian's new preschool while our neighbor watched Ian. We really liked what we saw in the classrooms - the teachers, the students and the parent volunteers were all right in line with where we would like for Ian to be come next school year. Panod and I both feel like he is really going to embrace the learning process in this new environment, so we went ahead and started the paperwork today after our tour. We'll finish the rest of it next week during the registration appointment, and then Ian will be set! Amazing! We are so lucky to be able to offer him this chance at learning to love school. And when we got back home after the tour, Ian had already been to the playground and had clearly had a great morning with our neighbor and her daughter.

Later on today, Ian and I ran some errands in order to get ready for a good-bye party this afternoon at CVA for a co-worker who is also a friend of ours. Panod and I both have enjoyed having a partner in crime who enjoys sci-fi like we do, and who seems to be clearly ready to geek-out (hehe! is that a real word?) into this great big wide world in order to see what else it may offer. Watch out Florida!

The weather has been beautiful yet again! The kids and I rode bikes home yesterday from Taylor's school, and we spent a majority of the late afternoon today & yesterday in the backyard with the neighbors. Taylor has discovered that she can now climb the maple tree in the back yard! I took some pictures and I swear that she's not nearly as high in the air as the pictures will have you believe. And Ian has officially worn a hole in the front tire his "faster bike." I've promised him that we'll find him a new big wheel - a.k.a. "faster bike" at a garage sale this summer. We got so much wear from that thing - you figure that Uncle Rob bought that big wheel back when Taylor was only two!!

Oh - quick update.... All of Ian's tests from the Dr. last week came back just fine.

Taylor in the tree
Toby & Ian today
Some flowers that brightened our day today

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