Thursday, April 20, 2006

Rainy Thursday

It has been raining most of the day today, but we really did need it. The dust and pollen in the air has all of us hacking and sneezing lately. And the rainbows that we've been treated to today have been absolutely breathtaking!

Ian has been showing no ill effects from his shots on Monday - wonderful news for everyone! Especially him! Taylor had her first round of MCA's (yearly state-wide testing) on Tuesday and Wednesday; there will be another round next week.

Ian had a good day at preschool yesterday. We got good news in the mail on Tuesday stating that he has been accepted to a different preschool next year. Panod and I are going to go in for a tour next week before we decide if this is what we think is best for Ian. The only reason we would switch is because his current preschool is more of a socially based program, and we really see him wanting to start learning how to read and write. Even though we work with him as much as we can at home, a preschool like this one may be just enough to really peak his interest in the whole learning process that comes along with going to school every day.

Taylor had a more trying day today by the sounds of it. One of her friends is upset with her and Taylor cannot seem to make it right. We spent the afternoon at the Java Train while we talked about it over some ice cream, and that seemed to help. She was still in the mood to talk about it some more tonight and I'm sure that by tomorrow afternoon they will be getting along like nothing happened at all.

After Taylor felt better this afternoon, I did get a couple of cute pictures of the kids....

Have you ever seen a kid enjoy an ice cream cone so much?
Taylor & Ian went back up to try a sample of an ice cream they had not had before
Ian trying to eat his cone

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